You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March 2012.


I’ve always had bad teeth, so when I had a filling fall out a week or so ago it was no big suprise, but it sure was a pain. I had to drink out of a straw and only ate bananas and yogurty things for almost a week. I had a serious hankering for nachos the whole time, but was terrified of their pointy edges. So when I finally got it taken care of, I celebrated by making the world’s best nachos to finally satisfy my cravings. The beauty of nachos is that you can put whatever you want in/on them and almost never go wrong. We did layers of refried beans, garlic, chives, jalapenos, serano peppers, green peppers, olives, salsa…..popped that in the oven for about 20minutes and then topped with some homemade guacamole and dabs of sour cream. And cheese, of course. Lots and lots of cheese. They were so worth waiting for!

As promised, here’s that fabric-wrapped canvas I made a few weeks ago, happily hung on the wall with his friends. Our kitchen looks much cozier and less stark now. And the best part is, this time no one came banging on our door to tell us our nails had gone through their wall!

I picked up another cheap canvas for 72 cents last night (I think it had some Precious Moments thing on it…), so look out for round two.


I know this much is true:

I graduated in 2009, thinking I wanted to be an architect. I'm not. But I do get to organize and beautify things for a living, which is a-okay by me. After college I packed up a van and moved a thousand miles away. Now I'm in Boston and a little out of my comfort zone. But there's a lot to learn and see and do! My interests, aside from architecture and leaving Indiana, revolve around everything beautiful. Furniture, houses, stationery, clothes, trees....I just want it all to be lovely and functional and clever. Also I like cats.

Beyond those simple facts, I'm kind of at a loss.

So this is a blog of what I DO know is true. Ideas, inspirations, crafts, cats... the things I think are beautiful and honest and real.

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